NZFW 2011

I was given the amazing opportunity to photograph at NZFW 2011 as a finalist in the New Zealand Fashion Week/AList/Canon Photography Competition for NZFW and other clients. 
Following are some runway, social and atmospheric shots from the week's events at Auckland's Viaduct Events Centre. 
Additional images can be seen under the 'fashion/runway' tab. 

Tuesday August 30th, 2011

An exciting first day of shows by Blak Luxe, Hailwood, Annah Stretton and Juliette Hogan to name a few...

Wednesday August 31st, 2011

Day two kicked off with a edgy and visually exciting show from Jimmy D, followed by a spectacular showcase from Trelise Cooper in the late afternoon. The day wrapped up on a high note with Stolen Girlfriend's Club's indoor/outdoor runway at the Wellesley Sheds full of wearable, youthful fashion.

Thursday September 1st, 2011

A packed day of shows with the New Generation Show (of which Katie-Maree Cole was a highlight) and Zambesi show luring in large crowds. Workshop's offsite show at the Auckland Town Hall went beyond expectations with its innovative use of pattern, red, and hats.

Friday September 2nd, 2011

The venue was a buzz with talk of WORLD's evening show and the filming of the NZNTM final. Kathryn Wilson's offsite show was a shoe lover's dream, displaying a gorgeous collection of flats and heels worn by girls in lingerie.

Saturday September 3rd, 2011

Fashion Weekend wrapped up with a dramatic show of glamour and luxury, Fantasia, following a day of Designer Selection shows, a student show, and Phoenix make-up show. The Fashion Week after-party was held at the newly-opened No. 1 Bar on High Street.